
What is Caucus?

Caucuses are groups or gatherings within an organization where individuals come together to discuss, deliberate, and make decisions on key issues. In the corporate context, caucuses often serve as a forum for mediation and conflict resolution, allowing parties to voice concerns and work collaboratively toward a solution.

How a Caucus Works:

  • Initial Meeting:

    • Both parties involved in the issue meet together with a mediator to present their perspectives and identify the key points of contention.

  • Breakout Sessions:

    • The parties then split into separate groups (caucuses) to privately discuss their positions, concerns, and potential solutions.

    • These discussions are confidential, allowing participants to speak openly without fear of judgment from the other side.

  • Mediator’s Role:

    • The mediator alternates between the two groups, gathering information, clarifying issues, and conveying proposals or counterproposals.

    • The mediator helps bridge gaps by highlighting common ground and suggesting compromises.

  • Reconciliation:

    • Through ongoing dialogue and negotiation, the mediator works to bring the parties closer to a mutually acceptable resolution.

    • Once an agreement is reached, both parties reconvene to finalize and document the decision.

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